Functional Capacities Assessment

Functional Capacities Assessment Services in San Francisco

Functional Capacities Assessment

Functional Capacities Assessment provides information regarding injured parties physical abilities, overall limitations, weight capacities, and physical tolerances. The one or two-day approach begins with a preliminary musculoskeletal evaluation. The therapist evaluates range of motion, strength, gait, posture, body mechanics and conducts neurological testing.

Reviewing relevant medical records prior to the evaluation allows the therapist to assess appropriate capabilities. Additional testing provides information about an injured person's physical tolerances for sitting, standing, balance, climbing, as well as capacities for lifting, carrying, reaching, pushing and pulling. Hand grasp and pinch strength with upper extremity coordination tests provide essential information about function.

Attorneys find the obtained information to be helpful during mediation and/or case settlement. Objective information provided by a summary report is useful in documenting injured parties' complaints, physical abilities, consistency, and functional limitations. While subjective complaints are addressed, objective findings from testing are emphasized.

Functional Capacities Assessments provide important information about return to work potential, prospects for gainful employment, and future job feasibility. Personal injury attorneys, long-term-disability advocates, rehabilitation experts, insurance representatives, and disability claims administrators find the information obtained during functional testing to be timely and critically useful for disabled and injured parties.